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Abu Mazen Threatens to Dismantle the PA

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has sent a message to Israel that if Jerusalem decides to release Hamas affiliated members of the Palestine Legislative Council and ministers, he will dismantle the PA.

This message was delivered to Israel a number of weeks ago during a meeting between senior PA official Hussein a-Sheikh and IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni.

According to reports, a-Sheikh stated “he did not say he will resign” but “he will dismantle the PA.”

Following the 2006 kidnapping of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, Israel arrested PLC members and cabinet members, all with Hamas affiliation. A number were since released due to a decision by a military court. Today, some 40 of the Hamas-affiliated officials remain in Israeli prison. Abu Mazen fears their release will further compromise the struggle of his Fatah faction to maintain control of PA autonomous areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron following Hamas’ rise to power in Gaza last year.

When asked to comment, a-Sheikh confirmed the meeting took place but denied that he ever delivered such a message to the senior IDF officer despite widespread media reports contradicting his statements.

The announcement of Abu Mazen’s threat some feel will further complicate efforts towards obtaining Shalit’s release, although it should be pointed out that none of the 40 Hamas officials appear on the list of 350 names submitted to Israel by Hamas. Hamas insists there will be no negotiations and if Israel does not agree to the release of all of the 350 appearing on the list, Shalit will remain prisoner. To date, Israel announced it agrees to release only 70 of the names appearing on the list.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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