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“Tzviki Was In The Car & Saw His Brothers Murdered”

Tzviki Paley. (Screenshot)

Moishe, the uncle of the kedoshim Asher, H’yd, and Yaakov, H’yd, Paley, spoke to Reshet Bet on Sunday about the tragedy his family endured.

“The father accompanied four brothers to the bus station so they could travel [to the family simcha] by bus,” Moishe said. ” One of them, Tziviki, was waiting in the car and saw his father and brothers strewn on the ground. With tremendous kochos hanefesh, he knew to cover the eyes of another [10-yr-old] brother who was lightly injured.”

“I was at home when the attack occurred,” Moishe continued. “I got a call that there was an attack in Ramot and my sister is there. I began making my way to Ramot and on the way, my sister called and said that she heard that they took her husband to Hadassah Har Hatzofim. Afterward, I got a phone call from the police that they would clear the way for me so I could be with my sister when she identified the body [of her son Yaakov, h’yd.] I met her at Shamgar, it was horrible.”

Speaking about Yaakov, z’l and Asher, z’l, he said: “There was something very special about them – of goodness and purity. Let’s hope that they will be the last of Am Yisrael’s korbanos, that we’ll only see tov and yeshuah and nechamah.”


Moishe requested tefillos for the children’s father, Avraham. “They need him at home,” he said.

The public is asked to daven for a refuah sheleimah for Avraham Noach Ben Yehudis b’toch sha’ar cholei Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. There are so many deeply personal videos and photos going around of grieving relatives of the terror victims in Israel.
    I’m tired.
    I’m tired of the fact that 14 year old boys are filmed eulogizing and used as sensational content.
    I’m tired of crying little ones, heartbroken mothers and fathers being posted so people should see….
    I beg of you to think before posting, think before consuming.
    Want to really feel the pain?
    Sit in a quiet room, put your feet firmly on the ground, shut your
    phone, close your eyes, take a deep breath and think about the pain of losing a loved one. Give yourself time. See what feelings
    come up. If none do, dig deeper: why am I so numb? It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person! Explore that…
    Let’s stop sharing this sort of video that only numbs us further…
    and ironically lets us feel LESS.

  2. Wow well said. I wish I can go into the mind of the ppl taking the videos and see how they see it fit to take such videos… unreal

  3. seeing these pictures & videos is exactly what gives us these feelings… otherwise it would be nearly impossible to relate… so I dont know what youre talking about… do you think it would be better if no one saw anything and it was just a headline and thats it?

    as long as it is done in a tznius fashion i believe it is a good thing so am yisroel can see what is really happening and how it really affects these families. all jews are brothers and we are supposed to feel eachothers pain much more readily than the goyim who hear about this news because us yidden are one family

    showing 14 year old boys eulogizing is a good thing as it brings up our hate for these רוצחים and our desire for revenge

  4. @Yatzmech
    I agree the fact that we hear these stories and can continue with our daily chores show how much we have become numb
    @Baby Squirrel
    who says “our desire for revenge” is a good thing
    ה’ ילחם לכם ואתם תחרישון
    I read in the name of the Chasam Soifer that during macas choishech the bnei Yisroel that took revenge on the egyptians instead of relying on Hashem to take revenge are the ones who didnt make it out

  5. Showing 14 year old boys eulogizing is unfortunately what we need in order to finally motivate ourselves to genuinelydaven and cry out for this galus to end, not just mere lip service…

  6. Dear Yatzmech, have you ever read a holocaust book(or is that not enjoyable enough)? Would you want people to know if something happened to you, or is it better to read politics? If you have no feelings for your Jewish brothers and sisters in Yerushalayim, then double check if you are Jewish. If you are Jewish, than try and Daven for yidden instead of ignoring there danger and pain, and than you wont have to hear any sad stories iy’h.

  7. yuda the maccabi: I didn’t say we are the ones who are supposed to be taking revenge; but our desire for revenge should always be there. Our job is to do whatever we can to keep Israel safe and the Jewish population secure from these arab terrorists & supporters of jihad by whatever means possible and to the greatest extent. Obviously Hashem will decide what to do with them and we will all know at the right time. For now all we should do is secure our communities, and daven that Hashem should deal with these terrorists in a swift and harsh manner.

    – btw this whole “desire for revenge” thing actually comes from the torah and part of the reason many have an established minhag to bury a dead Jew who was killed by a genitle right there on the spot where he was murdered (whether that be on the side of the road or wherever) is so that when other jews walk by and see him laying there with a matzeivah on the sidewalk and not in a proper cemetery it would aggravate them and bring up their desire for revenge

  8. Therapy is often a long, expensive journey that can cost thousands of $ to undo trauma. Besides the direct bills (therapists) there are loss of earnings, travel expenses etc.
    This is just one example of the financial impact the tragic story can have on a family. The little we can do to alleviate the suffering is to ensure that at least one worry they don’t have – money issues.

    This is the link to the Kupat Ha’ir page for this cause –
    Tizku l’mitzvos

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