*Tuesday, day 42 of the virtual Gaza ceasefire.
*Today is Gilad Shalit’s 766th day in Hamas captivity.
*Rock-throwing attacks against Jewish motorists near Nbei Elias east of Qalqilye during the night. No injuries were reported.
*IDF soldiers involved in counter-terror operations on Monday night arrested 9 suspected terrorists. The suspects were turned over to the ISA for interrogation.
*DM Barak told US VP Cheney that since the Second Lebanon War, Hizbullah has doubled and even tripled its arsenal of missiles, including longer-range missiles capable of striking deeper into Israel.
*Chomesh First organization committed to rebuilding the N. Shomron community of Chomesh if filing libel suits against the IDF spokesman and Channel 10 News pertaining to recent news reports.
*31-year-old Margarita Lautin, from Yahud, was shot dead on a Bat Yam beach on Monday in front of her horrified children and husband in an apparent botched crime family assassination attempt.
*Justice Minister Daniel Friedman has begun a weekly Gemara shiur with Minister of Religious Services Yitzchak Cohen.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)