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Israeli Supreme Court President Holds Secret Meetings With Tzipi Livni

Supreme Court President Esther Hayut, who despite her supposedly apolitical position has publicly spoken out fiercely against the planned judicial reforms of the new government, met twice at her home with former justice minister Tzipi Livni, who is one of the leading figures in the left’s battle against the reforms, Channel 12 News reported on Motzei Shabbos.

According to the report, Hayut, who called the planned reforms an “unbridled attack” that would cause a “fatal blow to Israel’s democracy,” met with Livni for the first time several weeks ago and for a second time last Thursday.

In response to an inquiry on the matter, Livni stated: “Out of a desire to help and as a former justice minister, I recently initiated conversations with relevant parties, from former justice ministers to the President of the Supreme Court and the President of the State.”

Hayut’s office stated: “Former justice minister Tzipi Livni approached the President and asked to meet with her. The President believed that her request should not be refused and will meet any past and present justice minister who requests. Regarding the meeting with Livni – the first meeting was a few weeks ago and not on the eve of the demonstration.”

They both refused to comment on why a second meeting was held.

“Livni is a political figure who is involved in establishing a new leftist party,” Likud MK Chanoch Milvitzky stated in response to the report. “Hayut met with her twice. Crazy.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. It only reinforces the fact that the judicial system in Israel is in great need of reform. The will of the people must rule, not the whims of judges. The country must be a nation of laws, not a nation of someone’s version of what is “reasonable”.

  2. Failed and evil judge…, actually, both are behaving like criminals….Bibi must be doing something right and Hashem must always be right……bless this day.

  3. Hayut and all 9 of the other judges who voted against Deri should be arrested for insurrection. That is exactly what they have done. They have overthrown Israel’s democracy and installed themselves as dictators.

  4. One of the makkos which appeared in Pharao’s court in Mitzrayim, and which now rules in the Israeli Court, is the Makko of ערוב, which translates as חיות רעות!

  5. It can’t be much of a secret if YWN knows about it.

    In the zionist system, going back to the 1950s, the “Supreme Court” (which was originally the “High Court” under the Brits, similar to the New York Supreme Court), has adopted functions of the “Privy Council” under the mandate (a government committee that was a de fact Supreme Court for the British colonies, but with more power than modern courts in the United Kingdom). Since the Israeli Supreme Court judges play a large say in picking new judges, the judiciary is the last holdout of those who ruled Israel 70 years ago (secular, upper class, Ashkenazi, tending to be anti-Yiddishkeit as well as leaning towards Marxism).

    All other Israeli institutions now reflect the changes in Eretz Yisrael since independence (more religious of all types, more Hareidim, and no longer predominantly Ashkenzi socialists). The Supreme Court is the last remnant, and one can expect that the Israeli upper crust won’t give up easily in having it replaced by a democratic (small “d”) body.

  6. The president of the Israeli Supreme Court is holding *secret* meetings with politicians? Unlike the U.S., the Israeli Supreme Court President has enormous powers over the Supreme Court system itself as well as the lower court systems.

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