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Musk: Fauci Isn’t a Scientist, Will Allow “Reasonable Questioning” of “The Science” on Twitter

Elon Musk declared that White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci “cannot be regarded as a scientist” and that he would allow people to question “the science” of Covid and other issues – a major reversal from Twitter’s previous ownership’s policies.

“New Twitter policy is to follow the science, which necessarily includes reasoned questioning of the science,” Musk tweeted.

His tweet got a response from evolutionary behavior scientist Gad Saad who wrote, “The science is anything that His Eminence Lord Fauci says it is. His Excellency is science,” with his tongue firmly in his cheek. His tweet linked to a YouTube video tearing into Fauci over his shifting medical advice relating to Covid-19.

“Anyone who says that questioning them is questioning science itself cannot be regarded as a scientist,” Musk replied.

Musk went on to tweet the following meme that makes fun of those who say you can’t question science.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. If there would be Nuremberg style trulibunals for mass epidemic murder, Fauci would have already been hung for his role in AIDS & treatment suppression other than AZT. Since they allowed this psychopath to continue, he repeated the exact same crime with SARScov2 and Remdesivir.
    I’m not even going into his “alleged Gain-of-Function” Wuhan role since all testimony hasn’t been fully revealed.

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