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INCREDIBLE FOOTAGE: HaRav Nebenzahl In Car Accident, Continues Learning With Deployed Airbags

The Rav of the Old City, HaGaon HaRav Avigdor Nebenzahl, was in a car at the Ramot Intersection in Jerusalem at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning when suddenly the driver collided with a car coming from the opposite lane.

Rab Nebenzahl’s car was hit with great force, causing some of the airbags to deploy, but the Rav continued learning as if nothing had happened.

The driver got out of the car to exchange details, but HaRav Nebenzahl, who b’chasdei Hashem was uninjured, remained in the car and continued to learn.

Hatzalah volunteers who rushed to the scene were amazed to see HaRav Nebenzahl sitting in the car with an open Gemara as if nothing had happened, despite the serious damage to the car.

A man who passed by and videoed the scene is heard in the video asking if the Rav is okay and if he’s sure he doesn’t want to be checked out, but the Rav answered in the negative and continued learning.

HaRav Nebenzhal’s family members told Kikar H’Shabbat: “The Rav was on the way to Bnei Brak. The driver claimed that there was a bus in front of him that blocked his field of vision.”

“It was a very moving sight,” a Hatzalah volunteer told Kikar. “The Rav, at his elderly age, had experienced a serious accident. His car was hit with tremendous force but it appeared as if the accident wasn’t even connected to him. The Rav was sitting in his car and continuing to be oisek b’Torah with great hasmadah. I’ve never encountered such a sight in my life. It’s hard to describe my feelings in words.”

A similar incident occurred over four years ago when HaRav Nebenzhal was involved in a car accident on the way to Modiin Illit, and also then, the Rav continued to learn as if nothing happened despite the tremendous impact of the crash.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. He feels fine and he truly knows Torah was magein alav (his shield protector), so why stop. For all we know he was at a crusp of some chiddush/insight.

  2. commonsaychel , who made the air bags , a human , who made the human HASHEM
    From what were the air made from , from What Hashem made

  3. Why would the driver switch lanes if a bus is blocking his view, and especially carrying such an important and fragile passenger? Anyway, BH that the Rav was not injured. No word on the condition of the other driver—hopefully also fine.

  4. Yankelle noted a good lesson here: no need to hurry. I once was giving a ride to a Rav and inquired which way to his house is the shortest. He responded calmly: it does not matter. So, maybe sometimes just stand behind the bus and wait.

    PS Not sure whether he was trying to go in fron of the bus. There is a story that R Kamenetsky instructed his driver to NOT go in front of a bus, giving rabim the priority.

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