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House Panel to Release Portions of Trump Tax Returns

The Democratic-controlled House Ways and Means Committee voted along party lines Tuesday to publicly release a report on Donald Trump’s tax returns, which the former president has long tried to shield.

Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., said supporting materials will be released along with the report. Texas Rep. Kevin Brady, the committee’s top Republican, raised concerns about privacy as the documents could contain information such as Social Security numbers.

The report could provide a fuller look into Trump’s personal and business finances, possibly revealing how much money he paid in taxes, what income he derived from foreign operations and whether his income was as large as the reputed multibillionaire has suggested.

The report comes after a yearslong battle that ultimately resulted in the Supreme Court clearing the way last month for the Treasury Department to send the returns to Congress. The committee received six years of tax returns for Trump and some of his businesses.

Democrats are under pressure to act aggressively. With just two weeks left until Republicans formally take control of the House, Tuesday’s meeting was an opportunity for Democrats to disclose whatever information they have gleaned on a figure who still shapes U.S. politics despite losing reelection in 2020.


2 Responses

  1. Democrats truly a horrid and evil denominator, created by KKK simply to dialogue the Republican Party….who rescued the Blacks and other minor cultures…..yes, they hate jews as do all the rest but doing this is just one more nail that the Democrats will adhere to their coffins….I believe this is a rare and incredible joke that the creator has lodged on all societies

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