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With your help, we can still prevail. With your help, Efraim can live!


When the results came back, I was ecstatic.

Following an extended waiting period that included several miscarriages,

I was finally, finally, expecting!

I spent seven out of nine months on full bed rest, 

But that couldn’t mitigate my joy for even a moment.

I would do anything to give birth to a healthy child, 

To raise a child of my own…

Efraim entered the world earlier than planned.

Only several minute after the lightning birth, while still in shock from the rapidly-unfolding events,

we somehow grasped that something was very, very wrong with our baby.

It wasn’t just the fact that he was early. It wasn’t just the fact that he was a preemie.

There was something terribly wrong with our beautiful little boy.

Several hours later, we learned the truth.

The doctors were kind and sensitive, but there was nothing they could do to minimize the heartbreak.

Our newborn had a malignant growth in his liver.

Malignant. Aggressive. 

The tumor is slowly but surely overtaking his tiny body, destroying it from the inside.

I had just given birth. I was weak and frightened, and I couldn’t even hold the darling newborn that I’d waited so long to cradle.

I’d spilled so many prayers before his birth, and I promised myself that I wouldn’t stop praying now.

He’s so tiny and powerless as he lays there in his incubator attached to a dozen lines and machines.

And the doctors are preparing us for the worst…

But we refuse to give up!

My husband ran from one medical advisor to the next, committing to finding a way to save our baby’s life. 

Efraim is already 7 months old, but his body is the size of an average 2-month old’s.

He’s on the waiting list for an urgent liver transplant.

His medical condition is very delicate, and his age complicates the situation.

The doctors are not optimistic, and they repeatedly warn us about total heart and system failure.

Efraim’s only hope is to travel abroad and have surgery in a private medical center.

The cost of surgery, of flights and accommodations are beyond our family’s capacity.

We opened all our savings accounts, and relatives have contributed everything they can.

But it’s all just a drop in the bucket.

After all our efforts, we’re still far from achieving our goal…

Our Efraim needs you! We need you!

We waited so long for Efraim.

We can’t bear to lose him…

Every passing hour could be fatal. 

Please! Help us save our baby’s life!

Help us come back home as a family! 

Efraim is in critical condition, and he needs this transplant urgently.

Every gift counts. Every dollar counts.

For Efraim, every dollar means oxygen!

Your gift can be the difference between life and death.

I want to personally thank each and every donor,

Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for concern. 

Most important, thank you for caring!

With your help, we can still prevail.
With your help, Efraim can live!

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