Reply To: Volunteering to Report the News

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Volunteering to Report the News Reply To: Volunteering to Report the News

Yechi Hamelech

No one ever claimed there was a problem with yw reporting Trump’s meeting; the problem is the recent negative obsession yw has had with Trump way before the whole Trump-Kanye scandal. There has been an observable imbalabce , lately, in the way yw has been reporting on politics, and its rubbing many yw visitors the wrong way. Nobody likes Trump’s personality and most of us will probably vote Desantis over Trump, but we cannot afford to burn our bridges with Trump if end up needing to fall back on him.
Now, it could be yw is trying to dig up support for Desantis among it’s frum viewership, but its being done in the wrong way.
And when frum commenters start spewing out such vile hate on Trump and the Republican party as a whole, it shows a frightening tilt in the frum opinion in politics which may be getting exacerbated by YW.
I rest my case.