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CONSTANTLY CONFUSED: Biden Boasts About Defending Obamacare in “54 States”

President Joe Biden appeared a bit confused Friday night, making another gaffe that had his supporters scratching their heads and his detractors mocking him.

Speaking at the Pennsylvania Democratic Party Reception on Friday night, Biden crowed about his party’s ability to protect the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, from Republican attempts to do away with it and warned that they’ll try to do it again.

“And, of course, they’re going try for their 499th time, or whatever the number is — they’re still determined to eliminate the Affordable Care Act. And, by the way, if they do, that means — not a joke, everybody,” he said.

“That’s why we defeated it in 2018 when they tried to do it. We went to 54 states,” he added.

54 states? Conservatives had questions.

“Joe Biden now says there are 54 states. I guess if you count the states of denial, confusion, delusion and disaster that his Regime has caused he just might be on to something,” Rep. Lauren Boebert tweeted.

RealClearPolitics president Tom Bevan joked, “Looks like we’ve lost 3 states since 2008!” a reference to then-candidate Barack Obama saying there are 57 U.S. states.

Actor Rob Schneider said: “Biden says there are 54 states in America. Next speech he will explain the 81 million votes…”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. He is perfectly coherent in this case. The left wants the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico added and California to become 3 states.

  2. eman, are you being sarcastic? I certainly hope so because what you said is not logical 1. he’s talking about 2018 not what may happen in the future and 2. basic math 50 states+2 districts+plus 2 additional states from California is 55, not 54. In any case, thats irrelevant because again, he was talking about 2018

  3. Maybe sleepy joe has already seized Israel as 51st state, and then with DC & Puerto Rico & California becoming 2 states, arrive at 54.
    What really matters is:- Vote Republican in 9 days time, and vote for President Donald Trump שליט”א come 11/5/2024

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