It is now 5 weeks since Mrs. CTL’s petira.
I know that my grandson posted on my account to explain my absence and express the family’s thanks for the many tefiilos, tehillim, expressions of love and concern by CR members for her neshomah, myself and the extended family.
Now that shloshim is over, it is incumbent upon me to personally express those thanks, as well.
I would also take this opportunity to ask Mechila from each and everyone of you who I may have harmed, offended or slighted, even unintentionally.
HaShem put me to quite a test, combining the loss of a spouse with Chodesh Ellul and the Yomin Noraim. It has been quite a period of intensive introspection, as well as a reevaluation of how I interact with both mankind and HaShem.
I do not know how often I shall be posting or commenting, reentry to the greater world is both painful and slow. I do know that even if not posting, I shall be reading.
I wish you all a G’mar Tov