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Gross Brothers Moved from Intensive Care B”H


Baruch Hashem brothers Refael Yitzchak Isaac and Chaim Michael Shlomo ben Michal have been moved out of intensive care about a week and a half following their arrival. The two arrived in Schneider Children’s Hospital from Shaare Zedek Medical Center in very serious/unstable condition, connected to ECMO cardiac bypass machines, fighting for their lives. Their frail bodies were severely compromised as a result of prolonged exposure and inhalation of a phosphorus based pesticide.

Their parents, Shimie and Michal attribute their refuah to the outpouring of tefilos and concern by Am Yisrael around the world.

Chief of Cardiac Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine Dr. Ovdei Dagan explains the children are now receiving medicine orally and he feels their respiratory issues have stabilized. He explains their muscles have been weakened considerably and they must begin undergoing physical rehabilitation to strengthen their bodies. They will be beginning physical therapy towards achieving this.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photo: Schneider Children’s Hospital)

3 Responses

  1. Baruch Hashem!! Yet, I feel so bad for them having to strengthen themselves physically while learning to cope with the loss of their sisters. May Hashem give them the koach for both and may they never see any tzaros in their lives again!!

  2. Wonderful news Boruch Hashem!!!

    I don’t think it is proper to be posting pictures even with the faces blurred they need time to get over their injuries both physical and emotional.

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