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Toldos Aaron Against Asra Kadisha


The split in the Eida Chareidis appears to be widening as Toldos Aaron has come out publically against Asra Kadisha. The In flyers against Asra Kadisha were distributed after Asra Kadisha held an event in Beis Medrash Ohel Rochel, using the forum to protest ongoing construction in Beit Shemesh. Asra claims that construction compromises the integrity of ancient kevarim. Harsh words against Eida Chareidis Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita were heard at the event along with criticism against the Toldos Aaron Rebbe Shlita and his kehilla.

Toldos Aaron did not remain silent and flyers denouncing Asra Kadisha were distributed in the kehilla.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. I think it is a great kiddush ha-Shem that both sides can still take the time to worry about relatively unconsequential halachic disputes even though the entire hareidi community may be on the verge of expulsion as part of the current “war on the hareidim” of which the conscription crisis is a part (well, that is the consequence of mass arrests, closing down yeshiovos that don’t tote the government, and having your assets seized by the state).

    Reminds me of a story of a rebbe who was makpid to make kiddush correctly even though he knew he was surrounded by the gestapo (as we say politiely, usually it was collaborators doing the dirty work) and was about to be dragged off to certain death.

    If the zionists have their way in a few years they will be able to dig up graves of whomever they want, but in the meanwhile, its good that someone can protest (and even if they aren’t Jewish remains, its a kiddush ha-shem to protest digging up goyim just because we are able to).

  2. no kuperman this is not a kiddush hashem!

    if us yidden had a little bit of respect for each other even if we held that the other is entirely wrong then we would not have to face issues such as the draft etc.

    we all believe that if the zionist govt would leave (if not activelty support) a torah way of life we would have no threats from our muslim etc enemies.
    the same holds true for us chareidim: if we had achdus HKB”H would not need to keep using a stick to poke us.

    we are without doubt our own worst enemy

  3. Yidden should be talking about Torah issues. Goyim worry about Obamacare, Global warming (or not), Armies, Sports, identify theft, the Iranians, etc. We get into fight about minutae of mitsvos. Baruch ha-Shem.

  4. YMS,
    Like in this weeks sedra, Moishe is not mentioned but clearly referred to. It’s obvious to all those who this is addressed to, to whom it refers.

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