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Talansky Admits to Lying to Police

talansky1.jpgDuring Sunday’s cross-examination of the state’s star witness against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Moshe Talansky admitted that in one case, he lied to police due to the pressure being exerted on him.

During the Sunday session in the Jerusalem District Court, Olmert’s lawyers aired 10-15 second footage bites of Talansky’s original deposition to police, asking him after each section if the statements were true. In most cases, he stated “I do not remember” or “I do not know”.

In one case, dealing with the period before Pesach 3 or 4 years ago [Talansky stating he does not remember exactly which year], he stated Olmert asked him for a loan to travel abroad. Talansky told investigators that he withdrew $72,500 from the bank, giving Olmert $10,000-15,000 of that amount. When asked if that particular footage was true, he said “no, I responded under pressure. I was confused”.

When asked why Shula Zaken’s ledger showed that he gave Olmert $72,000 and he says he gave $10,000, Talansky stated it is “nonsense” adding that Olmert received money from other sources as well.

Talansky’s attorney, Jack Chen stated that the minor discrepancies are irrelevant and the testimony will be deemed credible after the cross-examination is completed.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. I don’t think he should be called a “liar” he’s a nice religious jew with a son that has children in real charedi yeshivos. For the Kavod of a man that did a lot of chessed in his life we should be careful not to paint the picture the Jerusalem Post and Yediot.. paint of him. The positive part of a religious website and/or newspaper is to show the positive points and cases of the religious sector. In adddition, Talansky mentioned that they’re treating him so badly, this is before they found the inconsistencies; as if he’s a criminal and at the end of the day, he doesn’t have to do or help the government they way he does. I think anybody that is under pressure from the israeli government can go off their right minds. They will always go to the end of the world to try and find reason to impeach prime ministers or government officials.

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