Reply To: Education and Torah

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reb e, you keep on quoting examples of why we need to know some relatively basic math. agreed. please don’t keep avoiding the topic at hand – you can enough secular studies to understand gemara in the bathroom, which the netziv said that the rambam did. the halacha is clear that you are not permitted to have a fixed study schedule in secular studies; that has absolutely nothing to do with the need to know certain things to help you in learning.

you’re usually very level headed; this seems to have struck a nerve. I’m sorry for offending you, but halacha doesn’t change.

i have no idea what the comparison to acher is; im saying that poskim forbid fixed studies of secular studies, the examples given in the shach include math and science….there’s not really a discussion here – it’s a black and white psak din.

You wanted sources, and I gave you some. Please look at the issue objectively.