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Coffins to be Carried by Fellow Soldiers

The coffins of Ehud Goldwasser HY”D and Eldad Regev HY”D will be carried today, Thursday, by fellow IDF reservists.

Their fellow reservists have been involved in efforts to obtain their release since they were taken captive two years ago, and today, they will dawn their uniforms and return to reserve duty, to pay their last respects to the two fallen comrades.

“We all prayed. We so badly wanted to see them return home alive,” said Rafi Agronov on Wednesday, a platoon commander in their company.

Some of the reservists will carry the coffins, while others will stand next to the bereaved families, giving them support during this most difficult day.

Ehud will be laid to rest on Thursday morning at 10:00AM in the Nahariya Military Cemetery followed by the funeral of Eldad at 1:00PM, leaving the family home on Yissachar Kaplan Street in Kiryat Motzkin, traveling to the Haifa Military Cemetery for burial, scheduled to take place at 2:00PM.

IDF Chief Rabbi Brigadier-General Avichai Ronsky explained the families will sit shiva following the kvura since until yesterday, there were never certain if their sons were dead or alive. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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