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Menachem Shmei

@Reb Eliezer – “The name Av”

The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains that although on a lower level the name אב shows on the negative aspects of the month (which is why we add the name מנחם as a comfort), on a deeper level, אב brings out the highest form of love that a Father has for His child, which is unconditional despite the child’s improper behavior (like in golus).

On the possuk אנכי אנכי הוא מנחמכם, the Midrash explains (פסיקתא דרב כהנא פסי’ אנכי, יל”ש ישעי’ רמז תעד):

דרכו של אב לרחם, כרחם אב על בנים, ודרכה של אם לנחם, כאיש אשר אמו תנחמנו, אמר הקב”ה אנא עביד דאב ודאם

It is the way of the father to have mercy, and the way of the mother to comfort. Hashem says, “I will be like a father and a mother”

The month of Menachem Av highlights both attributes:
“Menachem” represents Hashem comforting us from previous sufferings.
“Av” represents Hashem’s mercy to protect us from any current/future sufferings and send the Geula.

(שיחת כ”ק אדמו”ר מליובאוויטש מטו”מ תשכ”ב. ראה גם תורת מנחם חל”א ע’ 151)

מנחם שמו