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Fellow Combatants Pay Their Respects to Fallen Colleagues

Despite the obvious pain over the realization that Ehud and Eldad are indeed gone forever, Shloime Laniado, a close friend and longtime colleague, who served with the two in the army, told reporters that this moment is a most difficult one. Most of their fellow combatants, who are in the IDF’s Schrage Camp to pay their respects to their former colleagues, are unable to speak to the media.

Shloime however is able to muster the internal fortitude, telling the media “the past two years, the handling of the event, shows us who we are up against, It is a clear message of just who Israel’s enemies are.”

Laniado stated he and his colleagues remain committed to serving in reserve duty, perhaps more so than in the past, and they will continue doing their utmost to protect the nation against the Hizbullahs of the world.

In the meantime, preparations for victory celebrations are taking place in Lebanon, as well as in Hamas-controlled Gaza, where presumably, IDF soldier Gilad Shalit remains captive since June 25, 2006. One can only possibly imagine the pain and concern being experienced by the Shalit family as they witness the return of the coffins of Regev and Goldwasser after two years.

Security preparations have been made for the arrival of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in Rosh HaNikra, although his arrival is still in the realm of uncertainty at present. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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