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UPDATED – Rosh HaNikra: Bodies of IDF Soldiers Returned to Israel

candle724.gif9:41AM IL: The International Red Cross has just shown the coffins of IDF soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, confirming intelligence reports that the two are not among the living.

10:08AM IL: A short time ago, two coffins, presumably containing the remains of IDF reservists Sergeant-Major Ehud Goldwasser and Staff-Sergeant Eldad Regev, were returned to Israel by representatives of the International Red Cross.

The first order of business is the identification process of the remains of the soldiers. The coffins are returned two years and four days after the soldiers were taken prisoner by Hizbullah terrorists in a cross-border attack in northern Israel. Once the bodies have been positively identified, Israel will permit the release of Samir Kuntar and four other Lebanese terrorists and the return of the remains of 199 terrorists.

Simultaneously, IDF Major-Generals Elazar Stern and Gadi Shamni will make their way to the homes of the Goldwasser and Regev families to inform them of the fate of their sons.

In a somewhat ironic twist, Stern, who is the head of the IDF’s Human Resources Branch, notified both families that their sons were taken captive. Today, Stern’s last day in the IDF, he must now inform the families their loved ones are no longer among the living. Shamni is the IDF Central Division Commander and the senior commander of the two. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. This just shows how Olmert and his cronies are full of hot air. Yes, “al pi halacha” the right thing to do was to free this lady from her igun but look at the price we paid for it. 199 BODIES AND 5 TERRORISTS for the bodies of two soldiers. This olmert will go down in history as the most corrupt politician in the history of the state of israel. Let us all daven that hashem sould have rachmunus on us and the families should have a nechomo.

  2. My question is: Why didn’t Israel make sure to give their DEAD bodies back. Why were these terrorists kept alive???????????????????

  3. We are in gollus. This has nothing to do with “Olmert and his cronies” we should be misspalel for “Horem Keren Yisroel Amecha” and Hashem should have rachmonus on all of us.

  4. glatekup,
    Im afraid your full of “sirchos”. “Al pi halacha” you buy matzo, lulav & esrog etc and you also “pay a price for it”; thats why you’re here.

  5. What horrible, horrible news. May their families be comforted, and may klal yisrael know of no more tzaros. We must all work on our ahavas yisrael, to bring mashiach SOON.

  6. #2 is RIGHT

    I think u all missed his point!

    Comment by y2r — July 16, 2008 @ 12:04 pm

    Brilliant. Thanx for explaining it.

  7. May G-d comfort the families. May G-d yinkom et damam.
    I don’t think “al pi halacha” is the case here. The only halacha the families are dealing with now is the burial and morning period. You can’t argue halacha when dealing with Arab terrorists who don’t value life. You must argue with logic and strategy to illiminate these terrorists from killing and abducting more Israeli lives.

  8. An open letter to the State of Israel:

    This is how you negotiate the next body exchange. You tell the arabs that if your people are returned dead, you will immediatly shoot to kill (with chazer tipped bullets) their rotten terrorists INCLUDING anyone standing in the way.

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