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Avira > you’ve seen rabbi sacks go through gemara sugyos

I was not sure whether I should put the reference, I should have heeded Chofetz Chaim’s psak not to praise someone publicly, unless he is a universally recognized tzadik, as there will always be someone finding fault… But I figure out we are doing it here for the sake of learning.

To answer your question, I never met R Sacks Z’L. I did not search videos for him learning Gemora sugyos, because I was interested in other issues that he covers, so I can’t comment. As a reference, not as a proof, I heard from very traditional Rabonim commenting that R Sacks had an amazing ability to connect to modern intellectuals (These Rabbis did not comment on his knowledge of Rishonim).

Your concern would be valid if I limit myself to learning R Sacks essays exclusively, but I did not. I can assure you that I read R Avigdor Miller Z’L also (and listened on tape borrowed from kollel before we had divrei Torah online).