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Police Stepping-Up Presence in Yerushalayim

mishtara11.jpgIsrael Police Chief Dudi Cohen does not see any connection between the six terror attacks perpetrated in Yerushalayim since January 2008. He views each attack as its own separate incident.

Cohen however did tell reporters that the department will be stepping-up its presence in the capital, adding it is most unlikely that the lone shooter responsible for the Friday night attack at the Lion’s Gate to the Old City will be apprehended.

According to the official report, shots rang out at 23:36 on Friday night, striking two border policemen. Police returned fire in the direction of the nearby Arab cemetery. The shots were also heard from inside the Old City, prompting an immediate response from other police troops in the area.

It appears a lone terrorist fired from the cemetery. The gun used in the attack was recovered. The policemen are admitted to Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, where they are listed in moderate and critical condition respectively.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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