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“The fight about Lubavitch has ended. Not because of agreement or acceptance. But because Chabad does not need the other groups. And Chabad is not like Reform that necessitated schism.”
I think unfortunately that it’s quite the opposite.
At least in Eretz Yisrael, the “fight” has ended because the meshichisters have won.
They have become accepted as the legitimate representatives in Israel, at least de facto. There is only a question of how much to they emphasize their belief when they are trying to mekarev people.
But any time you see chabadskers in a park on Shabbos in Israel, they add yechi to the 12 pesukim.
All the gan yisrael camps are meshichist. (I’ve personally investigated 5 and found them that way; and I asked a few people who work in gan yisrael to research more about them. They told me that at this point, more than 70% of the gan izzies are openly meshichist, and they believed the rest just don’t say it publicly.)
I am involved with baalei teshuva in israel, and they travel all over and end up in chabad houses everywhere. Everytime I asked these guys about the chabad houses, they all have said that they are meshichists.
If you walk into any shul and see the parsha sheets from chabad, all you will see are the meshichists.
I have a few friends who are “normal” chabad from america. They made aliyah and were trying to find schools for their kids that weren’t under the meshichist influence. They couldn’t find any.
They said they tried partnering up with a few other families to start a “normal” chabad school.
Everyt ime they tried, they got back the answer: “we already have a chabad school here, why do we need a second?”
When they finally sent their kids to schools that weren’t “officially” meshichist, their boys were made fun of for not wearing a yehi kippah.
And all of this is besides the fact that the Tzfas chabad are regular speakers at events all over Israel.
There is no reason that Chabadskers are willing to associate- and honor- speakers who openly believe the rebbe is HKBH r”l.
When people ask why are we “wasting our time” protesting chabad, and why don’t we just mind our own business, we point to the above.
Besides caring about other yidden and not wanting them to be ensnared in apikorus, I have to worry about my kids.
Chabad actively recruit the frum communities, especially the kids.
My kids would love to take part in the Lag Ba’Omer parade that chabad runs.
But I know and have confirmed that part of the parades around my area include saying the pesukim- including yehi.
And last year they honored a “mashpiah” from tsfas to help lead the parade.
So we can’t just say “let’s avoid machlokes.”
As long as mechishisters are the de facto chabad representatives here in Israel- with no public dissent from the “normal” chabad- and as long as they are expanding their influence and trying to “mashpiah” on regular frum kids, then we have no choice but to protest.
Halevai that normal chabadsker would be more vocal and actually be recognized as the “legitimate branch” of Chabad, so we could marginalize these crazies and support all the good guys.
I’d love to focus on all of the good Chabad does, and support their kiruv movements.
But as long as meshichisters are running things here, we can’t do that.