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Chareidim Seeking to Avoid IDF Service Turn to Left-Wingers for Assistance

idffChareidim have learned about the New Profile organization which seeks to demilitarize Israel. The organization is now working to assist them in avoiding induction into the IDF.

According to New Profile officials in an interview with Yediot Yerushalayim, since the Supreme Court disqualified the Tal Law, the organization has been receiving a growing number of requests for assistance from the chareidi tzibur.

New Profile’s Ruth Likner-Heller explains “While I might not agree with them about other matters, we will assist them in obtaining a draft deferment and we are here for them.”

One of the activists in the organization is Hebrew University student Yossi David, who used to lead a chareidi lifestyle. Yossi, a journalism student, feels “A civil society cannot have a draft law that compels everyone to serve”. He adds that most of the requests from the chareidi world come without names, as people prefer to remain anonymous, simply seeking guidance as how to act to get out of the draft. “I can already determine in the first conversation if I am dealing with a chareidi person or not for the chareidim have their own slang. They usually wait until the last possible moment to reach out for assistance. I can add that in the past two months we received many more requests from the chareidi community, including many from Betar Illit.”

“They may not have internet but there is always someone in the technological world who directs them to us” Yossi explains in response to the question just how the young chareidim are aware of his organization.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. What hypocrites! What is even more disturbing is according to MK Meir Porush, he as well as other Chareidi MKs “are planning on voting in favor of giving up Judea and Samaria as a “punishment” for the implementation of the chareidi draft and to those supporting cutting aid to yeshivos.”

    Giving up Judea and Samaria is a matter of pikuach nefesh and if the chareidi MKs agree to this they will be responsible for spilling Jewish blood and all their Torah learning will not last.

  2. So what are the plans of the profile?

    Sounds like selling your soul to the devil, wonder what happens when the Left-wing need Charedi cooperation to further their goals.

  3. First, it is a myth (albeit one believed by the Dati Leumi camp) that the hareidim are super-hawks and supportive of Israel being a Jewish version of Sparta, and the only issue is whether it is a greater mitzva to be a soldier relative to learning Torah. Hareidim who feel that way have long since become “Hardal” and serve in the army. Those who don’t feel that way, haven’t volunteered in the past.

    Once you’ve excluded all nationalists from the population of hareidim (i.e. don’t count hardal as hareidim), what’s left are those who feel not only that learning Torah is critical to Jewish survival, but that service in the army is in no ways critical, and perhaps isn’t even a positive from the perspective of Jewish society.

    The real issue is how this plays in the Kenesset. Both Shas and Yahadut ha-Torah have been “flirting” with the left wing parties – though this also reflects that on economic matters, the hareidim are very far to the left to begin with. If the left wing parties “flirt” back, it could shift the balance of power politically, or force the right-wing parties to make a counter offer (which at this point probably would have to involve ending conscription).

    The fact the conscription is probably a dumb idea, and has been rejected by all the countries the zionists want to be like, is also a factor.

  4. to answer michaeli, you have to give yourself up for Torah, it sounds like some poeple over here think that Eretz yisrael comes before Torah (thats not what derech eretz means BTW)

  5. Coffee addict, actually you are wrong.torah is our way of life but the gemoro has many maamorim that indicate that eretz yisroel,yes,the actual land of israel,is as vital to am yisroel. If we could live by torah alone why do we keep praying for a return to our homeland? Day in,day out, every shabbos,every yomtov. Yes eretz yisroel is part of our lives.

  6. are planning on voting in favor of giving up Judea and Samaria as a “punishment” for the implementation of the chareidi draft and to those supporting cutting aid to yeshivos.” –

    GOODBYE BEITAR, GOODBYE KIRYAT SEFER, GOODBYE EMANUEL, GOODBYE RAMAT SHLOMO AND IR HAATIKAH…..BYE BYE. (besides Nvei Yakov, Sanhedria, Ramat Eshkol, Kever Rochel, etc…do they believe that our Arab brothers and piece partners will stop when they slice off the Shomron & the hills of Chevron??? ha ha, the last laugh will belong to the Charedim)

  7. “this also reflects that on economic matters, the hareidim are very far to the left to begin with”.

    This is an important point and another reason for keeping the status quo in the Yeshiva world, as soon as avreichim/talmidim/bnei yeshiva join the work force….attitudes of socialism re: entitlement programs, share the wealth, starts to dim and is highly reduced.

    Capitalism and its benefits become an attitude as you see strongly among American Charedim. (kiryat square & KY is 100% democratic in order to avail from all the social & welfare programs, grants & subsidies).

  8. rabbiofberlin,

    we dont say vzechesena…bshuveinu l’tzion rather bshuvcha, we daven for Hashem to return to EY

    we also say yisrael (klal yisrael) v’ORAYSOH v’HKBH chad hu (Torah is a part of us, not EY)

  9. #12 The Rabbonim of Porat Yosef would suggest to their talmidim instead of visiting kveri tzaddikim in the Galile to visit the KOTEL since Hashem resides there 24/7.
    So there are those Rabbonim who believe and feel the presence of Hashem as having returned already to EY.

    BTW last time I check, Yishuv Haeretz was an identical mitzvah to wearing Tzitzes (both from the Torah), so as we gaze at our holy tzitzes think of those who reside in Eretz Yisroel.

  10. zionflag : Even in places in America with a high percentage of non-yeshiva employment, frum Jews remain economic liberals who regard a role of government to be to provide services to people. We’ve had entitlements for centuries and its part of our culture. Hareidim such as myself who support Austrian (rather than Keynesian) economics are rare. If you look at who the frum community supports politically in New York, they are advocates of big government. Could you imagine Greenfield or Hikind boasting how they have reduced needless services and saved the taxpayers money? If the only issue in Israel was economics, the hareidim would clearly be on the left, and indeed are probably to the left of any party now in the kenesset except perhaps the communists.

    One possibility for hareidim in Eretz Yisrael is an alliance with the left to support of very dove-oriented foreign policy in return for ending conscription (give up the territories in return for saving yeshivos). A perhaps more likely result is that Likud and Bayit Yehudi will back down on conscription to prevent that from happening.

  11. ROB is back with the usual “Religious Zionist” thoughts.

    Yes, we pray that Hashem should return us to Eretz Yisrael. That’s the small kernel of truth that enables people to believe the “Religious Zionist” lies, R”L.

    No, E”Y is obviously not that “vital” to Klal Yisrael since we have already endured thousands of years of galus without E”Y, which, contrary to Zionist distortions, Jews (i.e. Zionists) are anyways forbidden to occupy during the galus no matter how much we may need it.

    Daven for the geulah shileimah, not Zionism which was and is a miakeiv of the geulah.

  12. #14 There is already an outcry from Charedi residents of yishuvim on the other side of the Green line.

    There are small segments that band together with the Gush Etzion Alliance for security & leisure events (like the separate swim pool, gym and center at Alon Shvut). Could not believe how many members hail from Beitar!!

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