Reply To: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? Reply To: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold?

🍫Syag Lchochma

“You have to stop stereotyping.”

I am not stereotyping. I am repeating back or responding to things being said here. When 25 chabadniks come on posting as chabadniks in these types of threads, and every single one starts calling out sinas chinam at nothing, it gets a bit coincidental. Except there are no coincidences. If I think Chassidim (non lubavitch) are wrong for davening after zman and start asking them about it and asking for proofs (i think it has happened here in the past), their response is usually to come back with some sources – either rebbes or textual. If I push and disagree they will probably tell me to have a nice life. Sinas chinam wouldn’t even be a thought.
But somehow, with lubavitchers that is the response here over and over again. And it’s baseless. And when a bunch of people over the globe throughout a decade all use the same invalid response, the assumption is that it was either implied, taught or fed to them as a group. It would be hard to coordinate an error on that level any other way.