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Israeli Sentenced To Death In UAE Refused To Allow IDF Officer In Her Restaurant

Fida Kiwan, the Arab-Israeli woman who was sentenced to death in the United Arab Emirates for cocaine possession, was the subject of an incident that caused an uproar in Israel 12 years ago.

In 2010, when Kiwan was one of the owners and the manager of a restaurant in Haifa, she refused to allow an IDF officer in uniform to enter the premises. The incident was publicized and caused a storm of public outrage. Shortly later it was discovered that Kiwan never obtained a business license for the restaurant and she was forced to close it.

According to a Ynet report on Tuesday evening, Kiwan was indicted for drug trafficking after the court was presented with a video showing her accepting money for cocaine from an undercover police officer. Apart from Kiwan, two others – Pakistani citizens – were also sentenced to death as part of the same investigation.

Israeli officials were surprised by the sentence since the UAE had revoked the death punishment for drug trafficking just a few months ago but apparently, it was reinstated due to a rise in drug offenses. However, it’s believed that her sentence will be reduced to a lengthy prison sentence, especially due to the sensitivity of the fact that she is an Israeli citizen.

Kiwan’s family members are pressuring Israeli officials to intervene in the case and are considering appealing to President Issac Herzog for assistance.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. She is one of those that considers herself as “Palestinian ” so why don’t abu Mazen try and talk to his Arab brethern in UAE to rescue her?

  2. You all talk about her crime!! But you missed the REAL CRIME!! An Arab being referred to as an Israeli!! Where is the outcry when people that are NOT JEWS being called Israeli’s ?? Aren’t we the Bnai Yisroel ???? The State of Israel is NOT A JEWISH state, it is a state for citizens. Doesn’t make a difference who or what you are. That is the REAL CRIME !!

  3. Wow, you guys really want Moshiach, don’t you? Such hatred.

    The death sentence should be commuted to full life in prison. If jails in UAE are horrible….well, she should have thought of that before she tried to smuggle in a 1/2 kg of cocaine.

    It goes against the grain for me to wish a Yid dead, no matter what. But to get her released? Let her spend the rest of her life contemplating her actions. This shouldn’t be her personal Yetziat Mitzrayim

  4. Good let her rut in jail. Serves her right for not letting the IDF soldier enter her eatery. KARMA. Love it. Would it not be ironic if hat same IDF soldier is on the case. Oh man Gd is everywhere

  5. It is highly unlikely that the UAE would discriminate against a Palestinian holding Israeli citizenship. Getting her out of jail (or at least, not getting killed) will definitely give the Israel government good publicity among its Arab citizens (though it has been pointed out in the press that they usually do not carry death sentences in situations such as these).

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