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New Massechta for Daf Yomi, Nationwide Shiur for Lomdim

shas.jpgh.jpgThis Shabbos, lomdei Daf Yomi will be completing Massechta Sotah, and, the following day, be”H, begin Massechta Gittin.

To mark the impending completion of Sotah, a special shiur will be delivered on Wednesday evening, 7 Tammuz/July 9 by Rav Avrohom Schorr Shlita, Mora D’asra Khal Tiferes Yakov. His topic will be “Ikvesa D’Meshicha: Survival and Celebration.”

Sponsored by Agudath Israel of America’s Daf Yomi Commission’s “Daf Plus” Program  in conjunction with the Summer Night Program of Irgun Shiurai Torah, the shiur will take place at the Bostoner Bais Medrash in Flatbush, Brooklyn (2822 Avenue J) at 9:00 p.m. and will be broadcast live to locations in communities around the country.

Lomdei Daf Yomi have now completed 1181 blatt with 1530 left until the next Siyum Hashas – on 14 Av, 5772 /August 2, 2012.

12 Responses

  1. Mi keamcha yisroel that yidden alaways think and are looking for ways to be nisaleh.
    Just a heora.
    The picture is of an Artscroll. Without it I would not be able to do the daf. May they be gebenthched.
    Also,how can I hear the shiur?
    Please help.

  2. The daf hayomi marches on. As the study of daf yomi is promoted more and more by the Agudah, more people are joining – and thereby losing the opportunity to do some real learning.

  3. Alleged kollelguy (#2):
    Tommorrow’s Daf discusses Gechazi who dissuaded people from coming to learn from Elisha. Don’t discourage people who get up at 5:30 to learn every single day.
    Just because Daf Yomi does not work for you doesn’t mean that you can negate the accomlishments of others.

  4. to kolel-dot-com
    just becuse you learn in kolel or call yourself kolel doesnt meen you can compete with the gedolei yisroel and they understand that it is important for every one to learn daf hayomi.i hope you also start learning daf hayomi

  5. #2 kollelguy_dot_com: You say, “and thereby losing the opportunity to do some real learning.”

    1) Don’t you think that you’d gain a lot more by closing the computer and spending those precious moments learning instead? …the REAL LEARNING of course!

    2) How long you’ve been in Yeshiva? Have you set goals for yourself? Have you made it a goal to finish Shas within 10 years? R’ Aharon Kotler made a goal (backed by his Rosh Yeshiva) to finish Shas in a years time. That’s 7 blatt a day!!! (I’m sure that he did not have time to do REAL LEARNING then.) If you make it your goal to finish Shas within 10 years and Tur/Shulchan Orech within the following 5 years, you’ll become a significant contributor to Klal Yisroel and accomplish more for us than you can here.

    3) If Reb Moshe Shapiro, ztl deem Daf Yomi a worthy cause and to my knowledge most gedolim are for it then why should you be opposing it? (BTW – I saw Rav Wolbe, ztl go wild in a shmooze on this topic where he was extremely adamant that one MUST learn a daf a day (min) of Bekiyus. This lecture was given in Lakewood East around 18 years ago.)

    4) Keep in mind that most of the people that join the Daf Yomi program are Baal HaBatim and most do not have the stamina and at times ability to learn B’iyun late at night when they are exhausted or early in the morning before davening and work. For them it is a great accomplishment that they learn daf yomi.


    Please don’t take away from the amount that was actually learnt!

    The grand total is 1247 daf if you start from daf 1 (that doesn’t exist) and 1229 if you start counting from daf 2.

  7. I was so angry last night while reading the inflammatory comments of “kollel guy”. B”H, I didn’t respond then. Meanwhile,the “oilam” has done a great job of responding to “kollelguy”.

  8. Mazal Tov to all of the Mesaymim and really all of Klal Yisroel!!!

    May you and all of Klal Yisroel be zoicheh to finish Shas and all of the other Sifrei Yesod numerous times in your lifetime!!!

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