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p’shat is poshut

the “vaccine” is really a micro chip containing a GPS reader, and includes a poison that can be released at Bill Gates decision.

Since Bil gates is a computer mangate, it is worth his while to kill off a massive proportion of peole thereby seriousy lowing real estate prices, bankrupting other mangates, and ensuring a younger median of populaton which will cause computer usage and dependency to soar.

In cahoots with R’ Zlotowitz and R’ Seltzer he publishes a book insisting that a perfectly healthy man died from covid, thereby encouraging people to take the microchip vaccine. Since Detroit has lower levels of vaccine he therefore decided to include a chapter abut a moissad in Detroit thereby encouraging detroiters to buy the book.

Additionally he feels that if people from Detroit will read the book it will cause lower producitivity and auto construction, thereby offsetting the effects of climate change which were reallly the prime purpose of the Russia – Ukraine war.

He agreed with Artscroll that he will allow a picture of R’ Yitzchok with Mr. Torgow – who is a board member of Artscroll/mesoira, – in return for being aloowed to indocrinate the public with a book about a healthy person who died from Covid.

He also wanted to include a picture of himself with R’ Yitzchok, and even photoshopped one, but then R’ Zlotowitz explained that this will be counter porductive to the pro microchip program as someone on YWN might work it all out.

He is also planning about the dynamic Rabbi Goldstein, however he wants to wait for a generation who will be able to be indocrinated that Rabbi Goldstein too died from Corona.

Despite all the above our gedoilim {maran R’ Gershon eidelstein, Maran HaGraCH Kanievsky and many admoirim] that one should still allow oneself to receive the microchip, since after all hundreds of millions have received it and perhaps twenty have died from myocarditis, and they realize it is unlikely that Bill Gates will give the whole world myocarditis at the same moment.