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YWN Eretz Yisrael Motzei Shabbos News Roundup – 7/05/08

• The security officer in Asha’el in the Chevron Hills on Shabbos apprehended seven Arabs who torched their fields, resulting in extensive damage. Firefighters extinguished the blaze. One Jew was arrested after the Arab stated he assaulted them. One Arab was taken into custody as well.

• Due to escalating violence in Na’alin against construction of the perimeter security fence, two border policemen were injured in their faces by rocks. Police have clamped a curfew on the village in response to the increasing violence. 3 protestors were arrested and at least 10 injured.

• Two Arabs apprehended over Shabbos carrying knives at checkpoint crossings near Qalqilye and in the Jordan Valley. No injuries.


• Police arrested a Bedouin man near the Dead Sea who was in possession of 14 kilograms of heroin and 40,000 ecstasy pills, worth NIS million. Police report they were acting on intelligence information.

• Former Mossad director Shabtai Shavit stated that within the year, we will have reached the point of no return regarding Iran and action will have to be taken. He predicts that Israel will have to go it along against Iran nuclear threat.

• PA officials report that talks with Israel will resume in the near future.


(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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