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Photo Essay: Chareidi Volunteers Working with IDF to Dig Out of Storm

IMG-20131215-WA0359Volunteers of the Shmuel HaNavi Community Center are working hand-in-hand with IDF Homefront Command soldiers to dig out of the snowstorm. They are working on bringing heating pouches, food, drink, blankets, heaters and other essential items to homes of the non ambulatory and persons at high risk. Information is being provided to the Homefront Command from the community center as well as from the Ichud Hatzalah 1221 dispatcher based on calls for assistance.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photos: Chadashot 24)

9 Responses

  1. Chareidim worked hand-in-hand with IDF….? I’m not mekabel. I think even in such a situation, one must be chosheish for shmad and it should be yayhareig v’al ya’avor.

  2. #3 you nuts, Yanky right??

    For instance, I am stuck on highway 1 for hours with my family and an IDF vehicle arrives to rescue my family…..according to you I should remain and perhaps die rather than allow the IDF to rescue and help me since I should be chosheish for shmad and it is yayhareig v’al ya’avor. What TORAH do you learn?

  3. bklynmom- you are obviously not familiar with my posts. I was being completely sarcastic. I happen to believe that EVERY chareidi young man should serve in the IDF or do sherut leumi. The IDF did not attempt to shmad any of my nephews and every single one of my dozens of nieces did sherut leumi. They are all fine, frum young people today, B”H.

  4. #2
    Working without coercion has always been DONE.

    Put aside the army ,can you?

    The State henceforth will have less right to call itself (sic) jewish than many gentile entities

    The bills being passed are shmad and yayhareig v’al ya’avor:

    A major change to Israel’s lawbooks was set in motion Sunday, as the Ministerial Law Committee approved a law that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual preference. The law, if passed by the Knesset, would require all laws against discrimination to include an interpretation that discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual preference are banned as well.

    Israel has wide-ranging anti-discrimination laws, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of age and ethnicity. Such discrimination is prohibited for a wide range of situations, such as employment, renting or selling a home, medical care, education, and so on. If the law is passed, discrimination on the basis of gender and sexual preference will be prohibited in all those circumstances as well.

    The law was voted down by the Committee last week after MK Uri Orbach demanded that it be amended to include a prohibition against discrimination on the basis of residence. Many residents of Judea and Samaria have reported being turned down for jobs or being denied services because of where they live.

    MK Ofer Shelah (Yesh Atid), who sponsored the bill, refused to countenance the change, and demanded a revote, which on Sunday resulted in approval of the law for a Knesset vote.

    According to Shelah, the law is “a correction that is necessary in order to prevent clear cases of discrimination. This law has been missing in our legal system, and adding it will ensure that our legal system is fair and just to all,” he said.

    Once a bill is approved by the Ministerial Committee on Legislation, its chances of passing in the Knesset are considered excellent, since it enjoys the backing of the majority Coalition.

  5. #2 your a man with extremes. Neighter is your second post nor is your fourth post true. You’re nieces and nephews….. depending what you call frum. Everyone sees it with their own eyes. I for example have family members that have joined and lemmi tell you; they’re modern. I and neither of the chareidim would want our generations to look that “frum”. Frum means something else to us.

  6. Govt officials dont stop praising the official emergency services. Do me favor! all pple saw were volunteers. Some that didn’t go to sleep. There wasnt any emergency personell anywhere. If they were, they were ill equipped and prepared. Volunteers were helping cars out of main roads. Delivering babies….

  7. #8
    Really? I happen to know first hand MDA employees worked until they couldn’t work safely anymore, do you even know the difference between a volunteer and a worker? Once the situation gets like this the only way you would know is if you knew where their paycheck comes from.

    As far as what you say in #7, the army doesn’t change a person for better or worse, it does give them an opening to go where they want to go, if you are an FFF going in you will come out non-religious, if you are firmly religious going in you will come out firmly religious, the fear of the frum world of the army is the biggest proof of the utter failure of chinuch that kids walk around on such thin ice of belief.

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