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Bloomberg to Dems: You’re Going to Be Wiped Out

Former NYC mayor and 2020 presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg warned Democrats that they are heading for a bloodbath in the midterm elections later this year if they don’t fix things now.

“Without changing course, the party is headed for a November wipeout,” the former mayor wrote in an op-ed.

“Three months after Republicans scored major election upsets in Virginia and New Jersey, largely because of the frustration parents felt with Democratic officials who catered to teachers’ unions and culture warriors at the expense of children, voters in San Francisco recalled three school board members by margins of nearly three to one,” Bloomberg wrote. “Coming from America’s most liberal city, those results should translate into a 7 to 8 on the Richter scale, because the three main factors that drove the recall are not unique to the Bay Area.”

“Swing voters will decide the 2022 midterm elections, and right now, polls show they are swinging away from Democrats. The earthquake that shook San Francisco needs to shake up our party, before voters do it themselves in November,” Bloomberg said.

A poll released Tuesday by Emerson University found that Republicans currently lead Democrats by 9 percentage points – 50% to 41% – on a generic congressional ballot heading into November’s midterms.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. I don’t see a problem with that!
    Dem libertards are the biggest antisemites around.
    The KKK is more trustworthy. At least they don’t hide their hatred!

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