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SHOCK REPORT: Is the CIA Spying on All Americans?

Two Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee have made a shocking revelation: the CIA keeps a secret, undisclosed data center stuffed with information about American citizens. Worst of all, the CIA obtained all this information without a court order.

Senators Ron Wyden and Martin Heinrich have sent a letter to senior intelligence officials for more information about this data repository, saying that it operates “outside the statutory framework that Congress and the public believe govern this collection.”

“It is critical that Congress not legislate without awareness of a … CIA program, and that the American public not be misled into believe that the reforms in any reauthorization legislation fully cover the IC’s collection of their records,” the senators wrote in the letter. There was a redaction in the letter before “CIA program.

There have been concerns for a number of years about what information US intelligence agencies are collecting on everyday Americans. The CIA and National Security Agency (NSA) are generally barred from obtaining info about Americans and US businesses, yet even so it was always believed that at least some info was being obtained in the process of spying on foreigners.

“CIA recognizes and takes very seriously our obligation to respect the privacy and civil liberties of U.S. persons in the conduct of our vital national security mission,” Kristi Scott, the agency’s privacy and civil liberties officer, said in a statement. “CIA is committed to transparency consistent with our obligation to protect intelligence sources and methods.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. “Shocking revelation????”

    What’s the hiddush? You mean, you really didn’t believe that the national security agencies spied on people???

    Given the relationship between the FBI, NSA and CIA, this is at most a question of which agency does what, and whether they bother to communicate with each other.

  2. Duh. When the CIA/NSA spied on PRIVATE citizen, Michael Flynn, these same democrat Senators we’re silent. Any Republican making a tumult was immediately branded as a conspiracy wack job. Always trust government. Always believe democrat whistleblowers. They know best. You taxpayers are too dumb and stupid to make decisions on your own. You MUST listen to your government. Now suddenly these democrats are getting “concerned”. What changed?

  3. “CIA is committed to transparency consistent with our obligation to protect intelligence sources and methods.”

    Right. Just like Joe Biden. Thee most transparent President in our Nations history, according to the brilliant articulate Jen Psaki. That’s why he is covering up these covert airplane load of illegal migrants, dumping them off in Republican cities in the dead of the night. Being so transparent, Joe will not be taking any questions. He’s napping now.

  4. Hopefully the CIA can fully leverage these recordings and other stuff to ferret out and apprehend terrorists and other criminals on American soil.

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