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How Our Family’s Loss Brings Joy to Others!


We were a bunch of sisters. We ranged in ages from our early teens to young mothers, filled with carefree happiness, going about our regular busy, fulfilling lives. Regular fun, regular hardships, regular day to day life. And then … the word regular took on a whole new meaning.

It was almost 19 years ago that our life turned upside down, that regular became anything but regular. 19 years ago, our dear parents, following illnesses, were taken from us and we were left bereft. First, it was our dear mother – Mrs. Chashi Weiss A”H and then, just four short months later, with one of us sisters a kallah, and many of us still teenagers, our choshuve father Rav Zev Ztz”l was next to return his neshama to his creator, leaving 11 orphans behind. 

It was a very difficult and painful time for our family, yet we were comforted by the tremendous siyata D’Shmaya we witnessed, and were able to stay strong due to the ironclad emunah our parents instilled in us.

We sisters, along with our wonderful brothers, gave one another chizuk and tried to keep each other strong and move on,  despite the gaping hole. It was then that we made the decision, Chasdei Chashi L’kallah, the tzedakah that we began to merit their recovery, would now continue as zechus for their precious neshamos.


We sisters forged on strong and continued on b’simcha. As the years go by, our lives are continuously getting busier, Baruch Hashem, with our growing families, jobs, businesses, making weddings and bar mitzvahs, yet there is one thing that remains constant for all of us sisters: Chasdei Chashi L’Kallah. From real estate broker, to teacher, from pre-school director to caterer, to partners of a babywear brand, no matter where life takes us, we sisters stand together and work hand in hand to help a Kallah throughout it all: business deadlines, an upcoming chasuna, a baby on the way, kids home from school, lockdowns and COVID, no matter what- Chasdei Chashi continues to keep us working together.


Together, from all parts of the globe, united in our mission to bring a zechus to our parents, we plan, coordinate, advertise, design, fundraise, and approve and arrange the help and furniture deliver for Kallahs.

Together as sisters, our parent’s legacy lives on through our help, by giving Kallah after Kallah basic furniture, and thus bringing simcha and joy into her new home. 

Join us, and let us continue to help the sisters of Klal Yisroel.

Be a part of it!

Join the CCL 19h Annual Chinese Auction NOW!  

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