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Livni Blames her Failures on Bayit Yehudi

bennJustice Minister Tzipi Livni is a veteran to the Israeli political scene and she has had her ups and downs during her career. One thing she has learned is that when you fail; blame someone else for those failures.

Livni is heading the Israeli delegation in talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority) and while she talks the talk and speaks the rap, frequently appearing in photo ops, it appears she is incapable of delivering the goods, a mission she announced she will fulfill where others failed. Truth be said, Am Yisrael can only continue being mispallel for her continued failures for seeing her in another White House lawn hand-shaking event will spell additional tragedy for Eretz HaKodesh.

In this case however Livni points a finger of blame at her right-wing coalition partner, Bayit Yehudi. She attacked the dati leumi party on Thursday 9 Teves, accusing it of sabotaging her efforts to achieve peace with the PA by continuing to push for construction throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

She told her Tel Aviv University audience that the right-wing party is deliberately trying to sabotage the talks. Apparently she feels that since she and her left-wing colleagues support this agenda, all others must too. The senior minister went on in her attack, explaining how “everyone” is concerned with Bayit Yehudi’s veto power in the coalition on matters of religion and state, apparently less than pleased that Bayit Yehudi recently defeated a bill seeking to give tax incentives to to’eva couples.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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