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Israel Demolishes Home Of Hamas Terrorist Who Killed Eli Kay HY”D

Israeli police on Tuesday demolished the east Jerusalem home of a Palestinian terrorist who killed an Israeli man and wounded four others in a November shooting in Jerusalem’s Old City.

Fadi Abu Shkhaidem shot Eliyahu Kay HY”D, a 26-year-old immigrant from South Africa, and wounded two police officers and two other bystanders.

The Hamas terror group praised the attack as a “heroic operation” and said Abu Shkhaidem was one of its members.

Police said 150 officers were dispatched to the Shuafat refugee camp to accompany engineers carrying out a Supreme Court ruling authorizing the home’s demolition.

The officers came under attack by rioting Arabs.

Abu Shkhaydam was a high school teacher and received a salary from the Jerusalem municipality.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem & AP)

2 Responses

  1. From @Torat_IDF , Feb.2.22:

    Elijah Kay’s friend is trying to find out with the Arab shopkeepers in the Old City, why they did not provide assistance to the wounded Elijah? Remember these (particular) people the next time they talk to you about an “innocent” blameless population.

    “Do you know what hurts? Not the A-hole that killed him, but you who did not help him (my friend) … I am a person who loves to help …”

    First Arab stutters…

    The second Arab replies: “What? This ??? We did not see …”
    “No! I saw the video, you filmed and did not help? You can not say, can you?…”


    If this is not evil Racism, what is?

  2. Unfortunatly it’s meaningless. The PA not only funds families of terrorists but also rebuilds their homes. If they were serious they would cut all government funding to families of terrorists. But as you know. There are more important things to do. To continue their war against chareidim. It gets worse every day. Now they will disconnect all kosher phones so that religious jewish kids should be exposed to their LBGT campaign. They want to limit the chareidi population. They won’t mess with the Arabs as they fear them. There are tricks how to stop the drafting of yeshiva boys. But will wait till things get serious. This self hating government has declared war on religious Jews. We will show them that the funding they get is from orthodox voters who elect pro Israel politicians. Once things get very heated up I heard in shul tonight many are thinking of voting AOC over Schumer. This is a war for jewish survival.

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