1 Day Left!! Win BMW X7 M50I!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raffle Deadline: This Wednesday, January 19 2022.The drawing will be held on Thursday January 20.A FORTUNE


This is your fortunate time. This is your chance. The mega raffle of Dushinsky might change the way you dealt with finances forever.

Many raffles circulate in Klal Yisroel, but only a handful come with a 6-digit ‘prize’ tag.
Although us being counted among these high-profile raffle drawings, the purchase price has been
kept very affordable for all. A minimal cost [for itself a great mitzvah of worthy tzedakah]
unlocks massive potential of financial stability and growth.

Every ticket purchaser is an immediate and definite winner of boundless and limitless rewards in
the World to come, being that he had the merit to support the holy institutions of Dushinsky in
Eretz Yisroel.

Dushinsky is a light-house to thousands of followers, and their institutions serve the educational
needs of well over 4000 students. Within these institutions, they thrive and grow to be G-d
fearing Jews and loving his Torah. The institutions count among them, 29 institutions of chesed,
providing aid and assistance to those in need.

The more raffle tickets you purchase, you are generously supporting these distinguished
institutions and the warmest blessings by the Dushinsky Rebbe Shlit”a will rest upon your head,
bringing you and your family all good and fulfilling all desires.

So, hurry up, think big and do it right. The heavenly awards are astonishing along with the hefty
possibility of winning a hundred grand.

Tizkeh Lemitzvos and Good Luck!!!

Important note: The option of winning the BMW luxury car applies only in the USA. In other countries, only the cash option will be offered.


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