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8 Strategies to Keep Yourself Distraction-Free

Whether in college or junior high, you’ll inevitably have to deal with distractions. Trying to do homework or studying for a test can be tough when you’re constantly being bombarded by outside hindrances.

Either way, if you want to become a better student and get more done in less time, you’ll need to develop ways to keep yourself distraction-free. Here are eight strategies that can help make this happen.

Plan Your Time 

The most important thing that you can do to limit distractions is to plan out your time.  If you’re not careful, it’s easy to overbook yourself and fill up every single hour of the day with homework and other activities.

However, if you want to stay on top of everything, it’s important to sit down and plan your schedule at the beginning of each semester. Make a list of everything you need to do and determine how long you’ll need to work on each task. Then, map out when you’ll work on what and stick with that schedule.

For instance, if contacting for paper writing guidelines is among your to-dos, allow yourself 30 minutes to an hour for the initial search and assessment of the company’s services. It’s better to plan a little extra time in case something gets in the way.

Create a Distraction-Free Zone 

A great way to minimize distractions is to create a designated zone in your room or home free from distractions. You’ll be surprised at how much you can get done when you’re not constantly being interrupted.

Some people find it helpful to have a specific spot in their room where they always do homework or work in silence without any electronics nearby. If possible, try to find a place where you can minimize distractions whenever you need to study.

If you can’t use a conducive spot at home, look for a quiet spot in the library or campus. Silence your phone, turn off your computer, and put away any books or papers that you don’t need for the task at hand.

Use Technology

While technology can be a huge distraction, it can also be used to help you stay focused. There are many different apps and tools that allow you to limit distractions and keep you on track.

For example, some apps track how much time you spend on each task. If you find that you’re struggling to concentrate, try using one of such tools.

If your essay writing skills need some polishing, turn to professionals who know how perfect papers should look. If you learn to delegate tedious assignments on time, you’ll free much time to complete the top-priority ones.

Create Goals 

Setting goals is often easier said than done, but it’s one of the best ways to stay on track. You’re more likely to avoid getting sidetracked when you have a goal in mind.

Try setting small goals instead of thinking about the entire project that you need to finish. By chunking down your work, you’ll make it feel less daunting.

However, you need to ensure your goals are SMART. This means they should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. If you want to avoid disappointment and frustration, make sure your goals meet all of these criteria.

Find Like-Minded Study Partners

Accountability partners are great because you have other people who know that you want to do well in school. It can be really helpful if you find a friend or classmate going through the same thing as you and trying to get better grades.

You’re more likely to succeed by working together. You can also use your study partner as a motivator to get stuff done.

Control Your Thoughts

Have you ever found yourself thinking about something completely unrelated to what you’re working on? This is a common occurrence when you’re trying to focus, and it can be tough to try and block out thoughts.

One way to combat this is by controlling your thoughts. Whenever you get sidetracked, gently bring your focus back to what you’re doing. It might take a little bit of practice, but eventually, you’ll be able to concentrate for longer periods.

Take a Break

Often, students get distracted when boredom sets in because they’re not used to working for an extended period. Thus, you might need to take a couple of short breaks throughout the day.

It’s perfectly fine to take a few minutes now and then to stretch your legs or get some fresh air. Just make sure that you actually get up and move around. Your brain needs time to rest, and if you don’t take breaks, you’ll eventually get burned out.

Reward Yourself 

For some people, staying motivated is difficult because they aren’t aware of their progress. If you have trouble sticking with it, try rewarding yourself for completing smaller tasks.

This can mean anything from treating yourself to a nice dinner or purchasing an item you’ve had your eye on. Offering yourself some incentive will make it easier to continue with your work.

In a Nutshell

Most of us have a hard time staying focused, but you can make it happen with a few simple changes. By using some of the strategies listed above, you’ll be able to get more done in less time and avoid distractions. 

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