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TRUMP RANT: “Rigged Election”, “Russia”, “Crime Of 2020”, “Work With Me To Fix This Horror”

President Donald Trump has released a statement on the anniversary of the January 6th insurrection. The statement was included in an email to his supporters.

Here is what the 45th president had to say:

To watch Biden speaking is very hurtful to many people. They’re the ones who tried to stop the peaceful transfer with a rigged election. Just look at the numbers. Does anybody really think that Biden beat Obama with the Black population in select Swing State cities, but nowhere else? That he would lose 18 out of 19 bellwether counties, and 27 out of 27 “toss up” House races, but somehow miraculously receive the most votes in American history with no coattails?

That he would lose Florida, Ohio, and Iowa and win, even though it has never been done before?

They spread a “web of lies” about me and Russia for 4 years to try to overturn the 2016 election, and now they lie about how they interfered in the 2020 Election, too. Big Tech was used illegally. Where did all those votes show up from in Georgia, where it was just revealed they sold ballots for $10 a piece, or in Pennsylvania, and Arizona, and Wisconsin.

He acts like he’s aggrieved, but we’re the ones who were aggrieved and America is suffering because of it with poisonous Borders, record Inflation, a humiliating surrender in Afghanistan, $5 a gallon gas and higher, empty stock shelves, and rampant crime. America is a laughingstock stock of the world, and it’s all because of the real insurrection, which took place on November 3rd, but this is an election year and MAGA Republicans should get elected and work with me to fix this horror that Joe Biden and the Democrats have brought us.

Never forget the crime of the 2020 Presidential Election. Never give up!

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

26 Responses

  1. Please leave the commentary to us this is a news site. Why is it a rant because you don’t like him. Everything he said is hard to argue with.

  2. Lock him up or put him in an insane asylum. The deranged defeated president is a danger to democracy. He has no values besides his own inflated ego. Boruch Hashem he lost this past election. Let us now continue to pray that he and his ilk never get get power again

  3. Law and order is a thing until law and order is inconvenient for his sick ego.

    The constitution is a thing until the constitution is inconvenient for his sick ego.

    Israel and Bibi is a thing until Bibi is inconvenient for his sick ego.

    Antisemitism is a thing until it is convenient to tolerate antisemites who help inflate his sick ego.

    Little red hated minions are always a thing because they will always follow their dear leader and never question his grotesque and deranged self adulation.

  4. A refuah shelamah to the YWN Editor…..a Trump “RANT”???
    Obviously, the regular headline writer is taking some time off for the flu

  5. Every time YWN uses the language of the Left, I wonder why I come back to this site. Total rubbish, tosh. President Trump was right on point. And as long as Former Vice President Biden occupies the White House, it is a travesty and a sham, and worse, a danger to our nation.

  6. And as each city falls to the left and crime increases as we will see in manhattan very soon with the new DA who will allow holdups with guns. Asking as these robbers only wound their victims in the arm or legs they will not face jail. This is your sick liberal democRATic Biden destroying America. These DemocRATs make an issue of one rally on Jan 6 but look the other way on the full year of rioting and looting by Antifa and their ilk. It’s ok to destroy the jewish stores in LA. It’s ok to burn down police stations. You vote for commies you will get communism. Hopefully Republicans sweep the Congress and senate. Any Jew who votes democRATic is like electing the Nazi party. These lefty Jew haters are looking to destroy the Jewish nation not only spiritually but physically as well. Dump DemocRATs.

  7. crazykanoiy – 1) Isn’t your alias redundant? 2) Have you ever spoken to a Gadol or a very Choshuv Rav about Trump? Based on the way you speak about Trump, you probably haven’t and I’m guessing further that you do not take into consideration what Gedolim say. That is why you call yourself a Kanoiy. You don’t respect Gedolim unless they agree with you. In other words, it seems that you are the Gadol, not them.

    TO THE EDITOR: I doubt that you’ve spoken to Gedolim about Trump as well. That is very disappointing coming from someone who’s supposedly trying to represent the Yeshivish community; hence the Title “The Yeshiva World”. Perhaps it would do well if you sit down with a Gadol and discussed both Trump and Biden with him. I think his response would surprise you.

  8. Baruch HaShem that he lost? I don’t know if you’re aware crazykanoiy but America was at a high when trump was president and now the world looks at America as the biggest joke he n the world. Let’s be real joe Biden hasn’t done anything to make America a better country. He only tore it apart

  9. Biden was looking for this response when he gave his January 6th speech.

    Biden was looking to goad Trump into giving another such speech so he can tell via his lackeys in the media us how dangerous Trump is. Trump loves the negative attention and another chance to be in all the headlines.

    Neither Biden nor Trump even remotely have the best interests of the US in their speeches.

  10. LBJ & ChaimTovim: 95% of YWN headlines are skewed beyond comic value against President Biden and normally supportive of Defeated President Trump. On the one day the regular headline writer takes a mental health day and his temporary replacement writes the same headline any unbiased journalist would rant (since the “press release” reads like a random regurgitation of MAGA rally themes) you guys freak out.
    I understand you can get a special discounted subscription to the online version of the Forward if you find YWN’s news site has “gone rogue”.

  11. rant /rant/ verb speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.
    “she was still ranting on about the unfairness of it all”

    Unless y’all would like to supply a different definition of “rant”, the shoe fits.

  12. Biden is the President now, whether or not your want to believe it. Bush beat Gore unfairly (100 old Jewish votes in Florida), and that turned out just fine. You can’t love the American process only when you win.

  13. The only comment I could leave would be a copy and paste from the article, sans the headline.
    Other than that , right on!

  14. “Every bit of what was written is 100% true..”
    ChezKy: U’mein V’U’mein. There aren’t enough pejorative adjectives that can be posted by YWN readers to describe this pathetic, narcissistic racist who still screams out for attention.

  15. President Trump is right here. Just hoping he will become Speaker next year and the criminals Joe and Kamala get impeached and convicted. We can’t wait until 2024.

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