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Gadol > a disproportionate percentage of those convicted of corporate bribery and violations of the FCPA are also self-identified Republicans

What are the numbers, specifically. Anecdotally, I do not see different attitudes towards honesty based on party affiliation. Here is what I found:

A wiki page listing convicted politicians has 73 Rs and 58 Ds after 1990. All republicans in early 1900s. Starting 1960 to 2000, and looking just at Congress – 2 to 1 Ds, and after 2000 about equal.

here is some data from 2020 small business survey: 40% are R, 28% are D. Other surveys have 40% R and 22% D. Bigger difference among bigger business CEOs – 60% donated to R, 20% to D.

So, if politicians belong to parties in the same ratio as either small businessmen or CEOs, then D-s are more corrupt.