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Report: Aryeh Deri To Sign Plea Deal For Minor Tax Offenses

Shas chairman Aryeh Deri is expected to sign a plea deal with Attorney General Avichai Mandelbit next week for minor tax offenses, Channel 12 News reported on Monday evening.

As part of the deal, Deri will resign from the Knesset but will be allowed to run in the next elections. He will continue to serve as leader of the Shas party, running the party from outside the Knesset.

A case was opened against Deri six and a half years ago for the serious offenses of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust but absolutely no evidence was found to support the allegations. Instead, he was charged with twice failing to report income to tax authorities.

According to the report, Deri has already agreed to the deal and it is only awaiting Mandelbit’s signature.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. I guess the Sephardeshe rabbonim directing Shas cannot find an honest politician within their entire tzibur so they keep going back to the same slimeballs as previously. Not clear the other parties are much better.

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