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Trump Renews Consideration Running For Governor, Following Meeting With Key Republicans

trumpBillionaire and loose-lipped Donald Trump is a flexible guy, so believe some Republicans who are eager to challenger Governor Andrew Cuomo in the upcoming gubernatorial elections, if only they could convince him to renew his consideration.

A group of 10 Republican state legislators and political operatives met, for two hours, with Donald Trump on Wednesday in an effort to convince him to run for governor, the Daily News reported.

“As Republicans we need to cast a pretty wide net and find the best candidate to beat Gov. Cuomo, and we think that Mr. Trump can beat Mr. Cuomo,” said DiPietro, who represents a district south of Buffalo, told The Daily News prior to the meeting.

“Most people going into the meeting believe that Trump can actually win and not just run a nominal campaign with the hopes of winning sometime in the future,” DiPietro said.

On Tuesday, as the rumors re-circled around town, Donald Trump’s close aide and Trump Executive Vice President, Michael Cohen, said the billionaire developer is 100% not interested in running for governor. “Mr. Trump has already stated on several occasions that he’s not interested in running for governor of New York,” he said. “Politicians and political operatives speak to, and seek an audience with, Mr Trump all throughout the year looking for his guidance and support. I suspect (Wednesday) is no different.”

But today, after meeting with the Republican delegation for more than two hours, Cohen refused to put Trump in the ‘no’ column.

“We had a very interesting meeting and Mr. Trump has agreed to meet with them again at a later date,” Cohen Told The Daily News. Asked if Trump is still saying he’s definitely not running, Cohen issued a “no comment.”

The meeting, which was set for 90 minutes, last roughly two hours and 15 minutes, according to The Daily News. It included several assembly members, a state senator, and several political operatives, including Michael Caputo, who was the campaign manager for Carl Paladino in 2010. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, also stopped in for part of the meeting.

Assemblyman David DiPietro told The Daily News following the meeting that Trump agreed to think about a run.

“It was a very forthright meeting,” DiPietro said. “We put it all out on the table–strategy, economic issue, all the issues. At the end he told us, ‘I figured this would be a five-minute meeting.”

“I don’t think it’s anything that’s pressing on him,” DiPietro added. “It was our Hail Mary to get in front of him. We were just excited that he gave us the time to give him our pitch. We gave it our best shot and there’s nothing else we can do now. He’s his own person and he’s got to make his own decisions.”

“Hopefully we left an impression,” DiPietro said. “He said he appreciated the input. There was no pressure on him. We said, take what we’ve given your and think about it over the Christmas holiday. Talk with your family.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. After his performance as a “presidential candidate” in the 2011 primaries (for about 30 days), his clumsy efforts to make Obama’s birth certificate an issue, etc. why would anyone take him seriously as a candidate. He is an entertainer and yearns for media attention. He is good in that role. He is not a serious candidate and should not be given any credibility.

  2. What ever happened to all those people Mr. Trump said he engaged to research the authenticity of President Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate? Mr. Trump said they were finding some “unbelievable” information. As I have said before, I guess that is why Mr. Trump never reported the findings, i.e., because they were unbelievable.

    If the New York State Republican party wants to be taken seriously, they can start by steering clear of Mr. Trump. Of course, that thing on Donald Trump’s head might be interested in running an independent campaign.

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