Reply To: I have COVID

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“Who cares?
Me and whoever put the on the Web don’t care what the FLCCC says!
Why would you bring in FLCCC into this Conversation?”
– First, they are the only group of providers that officially promote the usage of Ivermectin for Covid patients. Second, the C19 website actually refers to the FLCCC for official guidance. For the above two reasons, you should care, or expected to care.

“It doesn’t. It was just a Rant.”
– Thanks for explaining.

“Now why is that?
I theorized that this is because of our government.”
– You are free to voice your personal opinions, yet these groups are very clear as to why they refuse to accept the data, simply because the quality of the data is poor.

“I asked this before – why did some hospitals fought against families that wanted Ivermectin – that it ended in a court case?!?”
– Because they demanded a treatment that the hospitalist didn’t approve, and the hospital didn’t believe would be of benefit to the patient. You can just read about some potential treatment on YWN and expect the hospital doctors to give it based on that article.

“So the only reason I can think of – is the Government is becoming more & more Fascist!”
– Nah, for the above-mentioned reasons. But then again, you are entitled to your own theories, despite them being inexplicable and unsubstantiated.

“I already proved it in NYS that they refused to allow a Script for HCQ.”
– What is your point, does this now prove that there is a broader federal mandate against Ivermectin or any other treatments?
Also, NYS’s mandate was for pharmacies to limit dispensing Hydroxychloroquine for Covid related illnesses, providers were never restricted and were able to prescribe what they felt was appropriate.