Reply To: Shelo Asani Isha

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Shelo Asani Isha Reply To: Shelo Asani Isha


Ujm, where does the rambam or anyone else say that the brocho is because men are holier than women? Many seforim say the exact opposite, that women are on a higher spiritual level than men and don’t require the same mitzvos.

Also, we don’t find that there’s a kadima of men/women the same way we do with kohanim. Kohanim get manah yafah, the first and best choice of food, they are not supposed to serve us or dl favors for us, and other things of that nature, but if a man and woman are being given food in a line, there is no din that a man comes first.

The only time we find such a kadima, to my knowledge, is by pikuach nefesh, where fhe sum of mitzvos requires a kadima.