Reply To: Plastic surgery and Yiddishkeit

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RE -“This is related to the abortion thread where having a deformed child
will destroy one mentally.”

Acc. to Rav Moshe it’s Still Osser.
But even according to the Tzitz Eliezer, I’m not sure if Abortion would be Mutter nowadays.
I don’t know OB even though we are trained in many fields including OB/Gyn.
I used to have a neighbor who became pregnant, (A Chiddush in Lakewood), anyways they told her to abort because of Viability of the Fetus.
They said brain tissue is missing.
She went and had the Kid anyways.
The kid isn’t even Retarded, let alone she wasn’t Not viable!
Maybe she’s a little slow.

The OB was Very Wrong!
I don’t know if he did it by mistake or on purpose.
But this presents a Different Question.
The question that was brought to the Poisek was when the Doctors knew.
Not with Doctors that could be Liars.
I blame the DemonCrats because Clinton (Billy Boy) started with Changing the Practice of Medicine.
We were the Top in the World!