Reply To: Should Rittenhouse have been there.

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2cents A civil case is very likely as 2 people were killed and the third lost alot of muscle in his arm so the estate of the dead men and the still living life one can sue him for damages. Just like there was a lot of conservitives who contributed to Kyle’s defence fund, there are probably a lot of liberals who would contribute to a legal fund to sue the pants off of Kyle Rittenhouse. This is the only way the Liberals can try to punish him and get justice.
The civil case is all about who is at fault, undoubedtly they are both at fault to some extent. The jury must decide what per centage of fault each participant contributed. If the jury finds Kyle at fault for more than 50% then he must pay that per centage of the damages, but if he is found to be at fault for less then 50% he pays nothing. The jury also determines how much the dsmages are. So they may find kyle at fault for $1.00 and this way make everyone happy.