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Toddler Injured in Jerusalem Terror Attack

mdanA 2-year-old girl sustained moderate-to-serious head injuries on Thursday night, the eve of 26 Kislev 5774 while traveling in Yerushalayim. The attack occurred at the entrance to the southern Jerusalem neighborhood of Armon HaNatziv. The injured child was transported to the trauma unit of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

While the child was listed in serious condition when MDA paramedics transported her, an update from the hospital later in the night signaled the child is stabilized and now reported in moderate condition.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat called for stiffer sentences for stone-throwing attacks. The mayor traveled to the trauma center to visit the family of the injured child, who was hit while seated in a car.

Barkat stated rocks are weapons and it is time to being relating to these attacks as they should be. He decried the reality that persons throwing rocks are released too soon, only to resume their acts of terrorism.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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