Reply To: Kyle Rittenhouse

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It is not so irrelevant. A goyish kup would say its “karma”.

But more seriously, the fact that the three people who were shot have violent pasts presents a strong likelihood that their threats and the way those threats were presented were more likely to have seemed like real immediate threats to the life of Mr. Rittenhouse.

There is a very big difference between someone who just yells “I am going to kill you” vs some yelling that who has actually attempted to kill people or actually caused people serious bodily harm. And that difference and the follow up actions would be perceived by the person being threatened even if they were unaware of the attacker’s violent/criminal past. We all have seen actions and said “stay away, that person is dangerous”.

Even the prosecutor presumably would agree with this, because he averred that just playing a video game is indicative of a person who would readily cause harm. Al achas camah vcamah for someone who has actually attached real human beings. (Rosenbaum’s mental issues even exacerbated this. Mental illness “may” be an excuse regarding being found guilty, but in no way will it make his threats less threating, quite the opposite)