Reply To: Nusach Sefard

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When we made aliyah to a yishuv in the Shomron, I switched from davening nusach Ashkanaz to Sfard. There were 5 shules in our part of the yishuv; 2 were nusach Sfard (including the American shule), 1 was Ari, 1 Edot Hamizrach, and one Ari. There was one Ashkanaz minyan a week, the Shabbat hashkama minyan at one of the shules. I davened there on occasion. Most of the people at that minyan were Sfardim who wanted to daven early.

In Beer Sheva, there are 3 Nusach Ashkanaz shules in the entire city. One of them (the Anglo shule) only has minyanim on Shabbat and chagim. At this point, I strongly prefer davening nusach Sfard anyway. Davening Ashkanaz for the amud (as I did in America for shiva for each of my parents) is now very difficult.