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Lieberman Decides to Remain United with Likud for Now

liebForeign Minister Avigdor Lieberman announced his party will comply with a request from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and remain in the agreement with Likud, at least for the time being. After Lieberman was acquitted of all charges against him, permitting him to return to his senior cabinet post, it was believed Yisrael Beitenu would break away from Likud.

The union of the parties was announced prior to the last Knesset elections as the two parties ran under the Likud/Beitenu combined ticket. At that time Lieberman was in the midst of his criminal trial so the deal was advantageous to his party.

The official announcement was made at the party’s central committee meeting in Jerusalem’s Ramada Hotel on Sunday, 21 Kislev 5774.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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