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President Peres Welcomes Visiting French President Francois Hollande

fThe following remarks were made by President Shimon Peres upon the arrival in Israel of French President Francois Hollande on Sunday, 14 Kislev 5774.

Je suis heureux de vous recevoir en Israel à vous exprimer, au nom de tous les Israéliens, nos souhaits les plus vifs de la plus amicale et la plus chaleureuse des bienvenues. Votre visite, Monsieur le Président, met en lumière et votre attachement à Israel, et l’estime profonde qui lie nos deux peuples.

We welcome you here as the leader of such a large and significant country. Welcome to the Holy Land. Your first visit, as the President of French Republic, is an important moment in the historic relations between Israel and France and between the French and Jewish people. Mr. President, France is described in the following way;

L’âme de la France, c’est l’égalité.

I can add that the description that ‘equality is the soul of France’ accompanies me almost from birth. That is indeed France. A beating heart that gave to the world three irreplaceable words; liberty, fraternity and equality. The people of Israel owe France a great debt for standing by our side in times of peace and of war. For allowing the development of the Israel’s defensive force. Especially in the first years of the state, when we needed France more than at any other time. The gates of the world were closed to the survivors of the Holocaust. The countries that voted in favor of the creation of the State of Israel refused to provide even one gun for our self-defense. It was the France of the ‘resistance’ that broke the embargo which was placed upon Israel and allowed us to bring immigrants to Israel. It was France that stood by Israel’s side during our War of Independence. Enthusiastically, with the support of its citizens, its soldiers, its writers and its leaders France allowed us to defend ourselves as a sovereign state and to build a new society.

We will never forget it. Thank you from the depth of our hearts. The true historic friendship between our two people is founded upon mutual values and a deep sense of mutual respect. We share a legacy of fighting slavery and rejecting tyranny.

My friend, Mr. President,

Your warm stance towards Israel and your strong stance against anti-Semitism create a sense of pride and respect amongst my people. Anti-Semitism, like all other racism, is a crime in the eyes of every person who seeks freedom and peace. We are full of admiration for your unflinching stance to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon for mass destruction. Iran seeks to dominate the Middle East with nuclear arms and long range missiles. We stand, together, against his attempt which hangs as a dark shadow over the skies of the Middle East. In fact over the skies of the entire world. It is a stain on the Iranian people, many of whom yearn for freedom. Your stance, unhesitating and strong, against the use of chemical weapons by Assad in Syria against his own people, enhanced the respect for you across the world.

Mr. President,

I know we can continue to trust in your support and cooperation –n the search for peace and the fight against terror. Peace, in the eyes of Israel, is not just a strategic choice but a moral call from our history and heritage. France, under your leadership, plays a constructive role in the peace process. You are building an economic infrastructure for peace in the Palestinian Authority. You encourage the sides to make progress in the negotiations. You work towards achieving the solution agreed upon by both sides, “two states for two peoples.” You are actively involved in both issues, preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and achieving peace between us and our neighbors. Those two stances, as part of the European Union and a friend of the United States, is worthy of admiration.

Mr. President,

We thank you for your visit at this crucial time. And for your commitment to stand by our side. Your clear voice and brave stance imbue faith in our region, in which the belief in justice and peace was born. I know that wherever you go in Israel, you will be welcomed warmly and with friendship by the citizens of Israel. On behalf of the State of Israel and its people, welcome and blessings upon you as you enter the Holy land.

Vive la France. Vive Israel. Vive l’amitié entre la France et Israel.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: GPO)

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