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Democratic Winners Vow To Take Forward Mandated Progressive Agenda

Democratic winners on the City’s 2013 elections took a victory lap, vowing to bring about a new day in NYC politics, at Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network Harlem headquarters on Saturday.

Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio called his own platform a “not only progressive, but aggressive agenda,” according to The Daily News.

He called his landslide victory a “historic mandate” that would help him bring about change. “Your true desire for a city that’s more fair, more just, it gives me the foundation to make the changes we need,” he said.

Ms. Letitia James, the next Public Advocate, credited grassroots organizing for her historic victory. “We won and I won because of all the little girls,” said James. “Despite being outspent 7 to 1, despite every newspaper in this city saying, ‘no she’s not the one,’ … despite people who claim themselves to be progressives who obviously stood on the fence, the reality is that it really wasn’t about them it was about you.”

Ms. James also promised to hold Mr. de Blasio, a longtime ally, accountable as mayor.

“Even though I love Bill de Blasio, when Bill de Blasio gets it wrong, and when he fails to recognize that this city made a left turn, the first person to criticize him, I can guarantee you, that is Letitia James,” she said, according to the report.

Controller-elect Scott Stringer, the only elected who did not achieve any demographic “firsts” with his election, said he would be part of the change.

“I look like me,” Stringer said. “So I may not look like a groundbreaker, but I’m going to break ground.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

5 Responses

  1. Change just like the wonderful change Obama is bringing on a national level.
    Those in New York, who have the resources, should get out now, while they can.

  2. And for those who thought the Republican establishment had a problem with the Tea Party — consider the Democratic establishment with their “progressives”. Or imagine what happens if a political agenda is dictated by tightwads on the one hand, and socialists on the others.

  3. I am James Lane, Green Party nominee for Public Advocate of New York City and I pledge to continue being our city’s Principled Independent Watchdog!

  4. Congratulations New Yorkers, you have now ensured yourself to be the next Detroit. You’ve elected an open soicalist to lead NY into the abyss. If you like the way Obamacare is doing , you’re going to love the NY you now have with Al Sharpton having the mayor’s attention. What a mess! I hope I’m wrong but I doubt it.The city is lost, the inmates have taken over the asylum. Wake up, it’s a return to the days of Dinkins. I was there then, Iremember , do you? I left for a better life in Phoenix. Think about what’s in store for you , as Jews, and as decent hard working citizens. Don’t expect Chuck Schumer to be of any help, he lean to the left like your mayor, maybe not as quite to the left

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